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Wednesday, 10 September 2008

Mesothelioma Lung Cancer Information and Advice

There are loads of places on the Internet where you can find helpful mesothelioma lung cancer information and advice... you just have to know where to look. The most recommended resources are explained in greater detail below.
Mesothelioma Message Boards
Mesothelioma message boards are an excellent venue for obtaining mesothelioma lung cancer information and advice, because usually the members are fellow sufferers like yourself. Some of them may also contain doctors or other medical professionals that are responsible for treating or researching the disease. The specific format of the message board will depend on which one you're visiting. Most will allow participation from all members through 'threads' which are simply various topics pertaining to mesothelioma. Others will be in a Question and Answer form, where you can ask a question about mesothelioma and receive an answer either from another member or, more preferably, an expert on the disease.
Websites Created by Mesothelioma Lawyers
Now, you may be thinking that websites created by mesothelioma lawyers can't possibly give you all of the information and advice that you would need. But surprisingly, many of these sites don't focus just on how you can get a settlement through the disease. Some of them will explain what the disease is, provide links to legitimate mesothelioma sites and also provide resources on mesothelioma cancer treatment centers.
Mesothelioma Research Organizations
Mesothelioma research organizations are a great venue for finding the latest on mesothelioma lung cancer information and advice. The easiest way to find these organizations is to type in 'mesothelioma research' into your search engine. You will still have to sift through the useless mesothelioma sites, but since the keyword is more focused, you'll be more likely to find something more worthwhile.
Mesothelioma Support Groups
The nice thing about mesothelioma support groups is that they help take the issue of mesothelioma offline. Specific information and advice can be derived from members of the group, if they have anything to offer. Even if they don't, participating in a mesothelioma support group is still useful. Why? It's because it allows you to connect with other people going through the same problems as you. Unlike non-mesothelioma sufferers, they truly understand the difficulties associated with having to live with an illness that has such a dire prognosis. And while such networking won't provide a treatment that is 'guaranteed' to prolong your life, at least it will keep things psychologically and emotionally in order for you.


Doctor Explains Mesothelioma Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment

Overview of Asbestos Removal Procedures US 1999